Thursday, October 23, 2003
Box Office Abuzz with 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'
By Dean Goodman
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "The Texas Chainsaw
Massacre," a bloodcurdling remake of the 1974 cult classic, slashed its way
to the top of the weekend box office in North America, selling about $29.1
million worth of tickets in its first three days, according to studio estimates
issued on Sunday.
The better-than-expected opening ranks as the second-best for October, behind last year's $36.5 million bow of the Hannibal Lecter remake "Red Dragon." TV star Jessica Biel, of "7th Heaven" fame, heads the cast of five youngsters hounded by Leatherface, a rampaging monster armed with the titular tool.
The film, which cost about $9.5 million to make, was released by New Line Cinema, a unit of AOL Time Warner Inc .
Last weekend's champion, Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill -- Vol. 1" slipped to No. 2 with $12.5 million and a 10-day haul of $43.3 million. The gangland saga, which stars Uma Thurman as a vengeful assassin, was released by Miramax Films, a unit of Walt Disney Co .
The top five contained two other new entrants. "Runaway Jury," a legal thriller based on a John Grisham novel, opened at No. 3 with $12.1 million, a figure at the lower end of expectations; and the Clint Eastwood-directed drama "Mystic River" rose 12 spots to No. 5 with a solid $10.4 million in its first weekend of wide release.
In between, at No. 4, was former box office champ "The School of Rock" with $11.3 million. The 17-day haul for the rock 'n' roll fantasy rose to $55.2 million.
"Runaway Jury" was released by 20th Century Fox, a unit of News Corp.'s Fox Entertainment Group Inc . "Mystic River" was released by Warner Bros. Pictures, a unit of AOL Time Warner. "The School of Rock" was released by Paramount Pictures, a unit of Viacom Inc .
The top 12 films grossed $105 million -- the best score in nine weeks, according to tracking firm Exhibitor Relations. New releases next Friday include the dramas "Radio" and "Beyond Borders," and the comedy "Scary Movie 3."
Going into the weekend, executives at New Line had expected "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" to open in the low- to mid-$20 million range, said David Tuckerman, the studio's president of domestic theatrical distribution.
About three-quarters of the audience was aged under 25, and those viewers were evenly split between males and females. Most had not seen the original film, which cost about $150,000 to make and went on to gross more than $100 million worldwide, according to New Line.
The new film marks the feature directing debut of German-born music videos and commercials veteran Marcus Nispel, and it is also the first release from director Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes production company.
"Runaway Jury," a long-in-the-works thriller starring Gene Hackman and John Cusack, and directed by Gary Fleder, was budgeted in the mid-$40 million range. Fox, which distributed the film for a fee on behalf of studio-based producer Regency Enterprises, had hoped for an opening in the $12 million-$13 million range, executives said.
Both "Runaway Jury" and "Mystic River" competed for the same older, female moviegoers, which may have hurt their sales. Some 82 percent of "Jury" viewers were aged 25 and older. About two-thirds of the audience for "Mystic River" was aged 35 and over, said Dan Fellman, president of distribution at Warner Bros. He added that competition from baseball playoffs may have cost the movie about $1 million. Since its opening, the film has grossed $13.3 million.
Weekend Box Office (U.S.) Oct 17 - 19 weekend:
Title Gross
1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre .......... $28,094,014
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $28,094,014
2. Kill Bill Vol. 1 .......... $12,424,841
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $43,235,778
3. Runaway Jury .......... $11,836,705
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $11,836,705
4. School of Rock .......... $11,006,233
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $54,898,025
5. Mystic River .......... $10,445,547
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $13,532,943
6. Good Boy! .......... $8,932,472
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $25,713,653
7. Intolerable Cruelty .......... $6,515,010
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $22,720,755
8. Out of Time .......... $4,002,023
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $35,230,719
9. Under the Tuscan Sun .......... $3,379,245
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $33,657,195
10. The Rundown .......... $2,780,695
BOX OFFICE SO FAR: $44,518,785
John L.: October brings out the horror movie, and it seems that some traditions don't last forever as the best Hollywood can come up with is a remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Chapter 13 has been filed on original ideas. Full review next.
There are about 6 serial killers that are household names. The
most famous is Jack the Ripper. Then there was the Boston Strangler. Babyboomers
know Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy's crimes very well. Jeffrey Dahmer was the
last real famous guy to go on a killing rampage and have their name synonymous
with insanity. However, the most famous serial killer that very few people
remember the name of is Ed Gein. Mr. Gein admitted to killing two women and
defacing already dead bodies he had dug up from graveyards. He was convicted in
1957 of the two murders and suspected of other more hideous crimes. He had
lampshades and other things wrapped in human skin. It was also suspected that he
ate human flesh, but Gein denied it. I guess eating body parts would be crazy.
To learn more about Gein and his relation to the world go to this link: ED
GEIN . The movies Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre
were all inspired by Gein's violence. TCM is famous for saying that its tale of
a chainsaw weilding, skin face wearing madman is a true story and Gein's history
is its closest connection. Most scenes and events in any of the five TCM movies
are completely fictional. There is no real Leatherface in the form that is
presented in the films. But the generic idea of killers and cannibals, and
weirdos can be adapted in any way a writer decides to
present the material. I
have never been a fan of the 1974 Tobe Hooper Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It is
overrated and very limited on thrills. However, it has a certain kookiness that
keeps it interesting after 29 years. There is very little onscreen gore, but
there are 3 shocking attacks that still haunt me. The girl on the meathook, the
mallet to the head, and the family dinner are the scenes that warrant TCM 1974
getting its status as a classic piece of horror cinema. A review of it would be
2 1/2 stars out of 5; 5 1/2 out of 10; C+; thumbs up. I prefer the Halloween and
Friday the 13th movies, but I respect TCM. There have been 3 sequels to the 1974
original and they all fall short of being any good. Part 2 was okay and is the
best of the sequels and the line "lick my plate" still gives me a
laugh. Dennis Hopper also brings a certain class to the film. I give it 2 stars
out of 5; 5 out of 10; C; thumbs up. TCM 3 is trash and no one should see it.
Final Review 1 star; 2 out of 10; D-; thumbs down. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4 is
famous for having early roles to Renee Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey before
they became famous. It is not very good and Leatherface is sort of a
transvestite queen in this movie, but I have to say it is worth seeing for the
absolutely best Matthew McConaughey performance I have ever seen. He was
creepier than Leatherface. He should have got some kind of horror movie award
for his work. Final Review: 1 1/2 stars out of 5; 4 1/2 out of 10; D+; thumbs
down. For some reason Texas Chainsaw Massacre 5: Sucking on the Skinflute did
not have a good ring to it so mega producer/director Michael Bay decided to just
have TCM remade. Well, I can say this without hesitation... fuck you Michael
Bay. What the hell were you
thinking? The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre is
pointless a pitiful piece of celluloid crap. It takes no new take on the series
and just sort of re arranges similar deaths done in the 1974 movie. Leatherface
is just a mindless chainsaw guy with no hint of character. At least the 4th one
tried to expand on the crazy dude. All we get is to see Leatherface without the
skin mask and he is all flesh eaten virus looking. Other than that, nothing is
done to make this movie interesting. There is a gun suicide and a leg gets cut
off and salt smeared on the stump. Ooo, not too bad, but yawn. TCM 2003 has some
standard jump music scares that will get a girlfriend to squeeze her boyfriend's
hand tighter, but it's not worth it when the only thing keeping the boyfriend
awake is watching Jessica Biel bounce around in her white t-shirt and tight
jeans. I was angry coming out of the theater and did not want to review the
film. Don't waste your time or money and if it shows up on cable call the
network and have them stop airing it or you will stop subscribing to their pay
service. It is not the worse movie ever because it had no presumptions of being
anything but a very basic horror movie. Just lazy filmmaking. The family of
wackos are never shown to be crazy and it is never clear how the family actually
are related. R Lee Ermey is an evil sheriff who terrorizes the main kids more
than Leatherface does. I weep for him. He should go back to boot camp. There is
a half hour chase between Leatherface and Jessica Biel's character Erin. Forever
has never been so long. It just goes on and on with the same suspense moments
seen in every bad horror movie and this is a bad horror movie. I miss grandpa. I
miss the hayseed hick hitchhiker. I miss horror movies trying to be scary. Not
one moment is made to make you care about anything. I'm done talking about it.
Final Review: 1 1/2 stars out of 5; 4 out of 10; D; thumbs down. Spy Kids 3-D is
still worse though.
1. Just to clarify something, the coolest character in Kill Bill Volume 1 is Go Go Yubari not Go Yuba as my auto correct forced my report to read last week.
2. Kill Bill as a whole should be pretty good once everything makes sense, and I am sure Quentin Tarantino will detail all of the unanswered questions at the end of volume 1.
3. Runaway Jury was a weak Grisham book that is getting weak box office.
4. Jack Black wants everyone to go out and see School of Rock and have it earn more money than Shallow Hal.
5. Mystic River is about a Sean Penn dealing with the death of his daughter and hoping Kevn Bacon doesn't turn on him.
6. Talking animals is always good for some quickie box office success.
7. I find the thought of Catherine Zeta Jones Douglas and Billy Bob Thorton engaged to each other on film intolerable.
8. Denzel Washington has another future video hit in Out of Time.
9. Under the Tuscan Sun is still having trouble getting guys to accept it as more than just a chick flick.
10. Looks like the Rock will be showing up on Monday Night RAW any time now as Rundown is about to run off the top ten.
The big movie of the month, Scary Movie 3 comes out. It looks okay, but I have serious doubts. Another Video Nose Pick of the week with my full review of Bend it Like Beckham. And also, the first contest on the site with a prize. More later. Bye for now.